Sunday, January 1, 2012

My heart's an iPod

We listen to a LOT of music in our house.  Little J is very fond of the Decemberists, Charlotte Diamond, Europe, Laurie Berkner, Tom Waits, and Gym Class Heroes.  He will ask to listen to them.

"We can have my heart a stereo?"
"Sure baby! How do you want to listen to my heart's a stereo?"
"On iPod! No, on pomputer.  Yes! pomputer!"

So we fire up the pomputer and find some quality YouTubeage for him to dance around the living room to.  At times he will ask to have music on the "eBook" (that's what he calls the Galaxy Tab), so we use the YouTube App to find music there.  My digital native knows there are different ways to access the same digital content, and depending on his mood, he can choose just audio or audio and video.  This too, ladies and gentlemen, is media literacy in action.


  1. Pomputer? J's adorable, I wonder how the knew Digital Natives will do as far as creating their own content. as a non-native I mostly type and poke at internet widgets but I imagine there are better options. Star Trek here we come.

  2. Digital Natives create things like facebook, Yelp, Wikipedia and Twitter. According to John Palfrey and Urs Gasser of Born Digital fame (, digital natives started being born in 1980. Pick a meme, mashup or multinational billion dollar online enterprise, and chances are good a digital native was involved in its creation. So we are into the second generation of digital natives: Little J included. The toys are just cooler now.
