Monday, December 19, 2011

App Review: Fruit Book

Fruit Book is a free, simple app that kept Little J interested for beyond what I would have expected, which was wonderful because we endured airplane travel today. You have 2 options: Learn or Quiz.  On Learn mode, you see a picture of a type of fruit (barberries, cacao, cherimoya and olives included) and the name of the fruit both written and spoken.  You go through the fruits alphabetically, navigating with arrows or swiping.  That in itself was enough to keep us going for awhile: at least as long as it took for the flight attendants to go from peanuts to beverages.    In Quiz mode, you are given 4 pictures of fruit and the pleasant but disembodied voice says the name of one.  If you tap on the correct fruit, you are rewarded with canned applause and a green check mark.  If you tap less correct fruit, there is a scary buzzer noise and a big red X.  Little J declined to play the quiz game after getting a few fruits incorrect.  Good fun and worth the price.


  1. Just downloaded this one, thanks for the tip! My son loves the First Words apps for iPhone/iPad. They aren't free, but totally worth what we paid for them. He's gotten tons of entertainment from them, he can play them without my help, and they taught him his whole alphabet and the concept of letters forming words. He also loves Elmo's Monster Maker.

  2. Oh! I'll have to try those too!
